The technology seen around the office
in Mad Men is pretty basic compared to the appliances employees working
at Sterling Cooper would encounter if they were working there today. That’s why
it is so funny to the audience of Mad Men when Joan remarks that the
typewriter looks intimidating and advanced. The typewriter; in reality, was a
pretty simple device that helped drive offices like Sterling Cooper’s for a
good part of the 20th century.
Christopher Sholes
invented the modern typewriter in 1866. The modern typewriter was the first
typewriter with a universal keyboard. Shortly after this invention hit the
marker, one of Sholes associates changed the keyboard to the modern QWERTY
design, which caused the keys to jam less. The typewriter was a tough gadget to
market at first, for a wide variety of reasons: the unwillingness of businesses
to move on from handwriting, the economic stagnation of the time and the price,
which was around 100 dollars (
With a price like that, the typewriter was worth more than most modern
computers, with prices adjusted for inflation. Typewriters were also tough to
use, because if a typist made more than a few mistake they would have to trash
their current document and start all over with a new one.
Around the time the
first season of Mad Men takes place, (1960s), (
the first electronic typewriters were being introduced to the market. Sterling
Cooper doesn’t use these in the first season, but they would have been one of
the companies that would have adopted them to their offices.
Without the typewriter,
offices like the one in Mad Men would have had a much harder time
producing documents, and offices would have been a lot less productive. Despite
the cro-magnon-like appearance that the audience takes away from the device
today, it was definitely useful for the era.